Damn you!
DAMN YOU!!!!!!!!
Who the hell did he see at the mall!!!!?????
Damn you!
DAMN YOU!!!!!!!!
Who the hell did he see at the mall!!!!?????
I think I get what's going on (probably not). The dude that controls Purple Triangle/Pyramid Tofuzilla is kind of like a recruiter for the "TOFUZILLA Fighting League" and he saw Main Character Dude defeat Yellow Square/Cube Tofuzilla so Recruiter Dude thought Main Character Dude was worthy of having his own Blue Circle/Sphere Tofuzilla, but Main Character Dude didn't understand and attacked Recruiter Dude thinking that he was under attack himself. After driving Recruiter Dude off he goes to check if Yellow Square/Cube Tofuzilla had a pilot as well and sure enough it did! Anyways that's what I got from watching this awesome FBF and I can't wait for the third one!
I must say I lol'd
I enjoyed it. Especially the ending, but you didn't have any of The Beauty and The Beast Squad!!
People are dumb!
You guys who post "This Sucks!!" "This is a disgrace to halo!" and "Stop animating or stop living" are really freakin dumb! I am a Hard-core Halo fan and I think this freakin rocks! I love it my friend and I are always quoting it. People need to realize that the bad graphics were intentional and it adds to the humor. It's beyond on awesome and people need to take a chill pill and just enjoy it. Homerun.
Very nice
really good compaired to some 3d stuff on ng and was that a Slurm can i saw at the dice and spoon part?
haha... yeah it was ;)
The gun rotating was fraekin genius!!
lol Thanks :D
This r great!!
this was fn awesome! the fight scene between the three groups was the best!
keep up the great work!
Myron(guy with the scythe) rocks!!
"have you been watching porn on the company network again?"
"excelent! my work here is done ill see you tomorrow"
"your shift ends in 7 hours"
"i dont care"
I just accidentally Newgrounds. Is this dangerous?
Age 33, Male
Joined on 6/14/05