Oh boy...
Okay I'm not sure on where to begin, but here I go. I found this song by listening to the top 5 as most of the reviewers have and I have to say it was very unpleasant. The only lyrics I could make out were the "Doo Daas" and the music was of the same fashion. After listening I came to this page and read your comments. One line stuck out to me "Although this one has been... edited." That's when I thought to myself "Dear God... There was another one!" After recovering from the I got seizure upon reading that line I thought "But surely God, being the merciful guy that he is, would never allow something like that to happen. Right?" I then became over-whelmed by the urge to punch myself in the face and rip off my ears. I have a feeling that this song was featured because it was doing horribly and for some God-forsaken reason A-bot or whoever picks these decided to pity you tremendously. Now please if you ever get the inkling to make a song like this ever again do us all a favor and DON'T!